Home Page_Introduction

Welcoming Our

New Students

We are thrilled to have you join us and look forward to an exciting three-day celebration filled with activities and events designed to help you feel at home and start your journey on the right foot. Our goal is to ensure that you feel welcomed, supported, and ready to embark on this new chapter of your academic life.

Over the next few days, you’ll have the chance to engage in mentoring sessions with experienced students and faculty members. These sessions are designed to provide you with valuable insights and guidance as you navigate your new environment. Additionally, faculty fellowship activities will allow you to interact with your professors in a more informal setting, helping you build strong relationships from the start.

Home Page_Introduction

Welcoming Our New Students

We are thrilled to have you join us and look forward to an exciting three-day celebration filled with activities and events designed to help you feel at home and start your journey on the right foot. Our goal is to ensure that you feel welcomed, supported, and ready to embark on this new chapter of your academic life.

Over the next few days, you’ll have the chance to engage in mentoring sessions with experienced students and faculty members. These sessions are designed to provide you with valuable insights and guidance as you navigate your new environment. Additionally, faculty fellowship activities will allow you to interact with your professors in a more informal setting, helping you build strong relationships from the start.

See the Excitement of Last Year's UPH Festival

See the Excitement of
Last Year's UPH Festival

Event Highlights

Event Highlights


Contact us for more information
See the exposure preview in our event, click here

Our Sponsors

M - Crystalin
M - Teh Gelas
M - Blastoz
M - Tango

Stay tuned for more content.

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